METU Cyber Security Workshop will be held on December 19-20, 2019 at METU Cultural Convention Center B-hall. Program is available at

The workshop is open to all graduate and undergraduate students.

This wokshop aims to share graduate, doctorate and other research studies; as well as be a gathering of academicians and to discuss possible joint studies and future collaborations.

In this workshop METU faculty members, research assistants and students will present their thesis and other academic studies.

There will be presentations of the laboratory / research groups in METU working on cyber security research.

This workshop is jointly organized by the following units.

  • METU Cyber Security Center, SIMER
  • METU Informatics Institute, Department of Cyber Security, II and CSEC
  • METU Institute of Applied Mathematics, Department of Cryptography, IAM and CRYP
  • METU Computer Engineering, CENG
  • METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EE
  • METU Computer Education and Instructional Technology, CEIT

We invite METU academics and students working in cyber security related fields to contribute to this workshop.

Son Güncelleme:
10/12/2019 - 14:02